10 Essential Tips for Moving Your Utilities

Your hassle-free move starts here. By starting early, organizing utility transfers, and confirming service activation, you will avoid the inconvenience of moving into your new home without essentials like electricity, internet, or water.
10 Essential Tips for Moving Your Utilities

You’re getting ready to move. The only thing that might damper your excitement would be moving into your new place without electricity, water, or worse, no internet.
It’s not uncommon for people less prepared than you to move into a house and have no power for the first week.

Gathering all the information and calling the companies required for transferring your utilities may not be the most fun thing in the world, but tackling this step early will go a long way in making sure you have a nice smooth transition into your new living space.

(Plus you can’t really Netflix and chill without Netflix…)

Fortunately for you (and your date) we created a quick checklist so that you aren’t missing any of the essentials on your move-in day.

1. Start Preparations Early

Probably the most important step is starting this process early (not trying to sound like your dad).

Ideally, this step should be taken at least two to three weeks before your move.

Starting early will give you ample time for any unforeseen hiccups or unexpected twists that may come up.

2. List Your Current Utility Providers

Organization is key to a stress-free move. So you gotta do a bit of homework. Begin by compiling a general list of your current utility services.

Utilities usually include cable and internet, water and sewer, gas, electricity, satellite, security system, and trash (does anyone still have corded phones?).

We suggest writing all your monthly providers on one list so you can see them all at the same time and decide if any need to be canceled.

This inventory not only aids in ensuring all services are accounted for but also serves as a reference point for establishing connections at your new residence. Knowing exactly what needs to be transferred will significantly streamline the process.

3. Find Your New Service Providers for Your Area

Every geographic location is serviced by its own set of utility providers. Depending on how far you move, there may be different companies handling certain utilities.

Upon establishing your new address, carefully research and identify the relevant service providers for your area.

This information can be gathered via online platforms, local government websites, or by consulting with your new neighbors or property management (hopefully, they are nice).

Identifying these providers early in your moving process is crucial for timely service activation.

4. Check for Any Transfer Fees or Discounts

Electricity doesn’t grow on trees and service providers more often than not will have different rates. Or, the same providers can cost more or less depending on your geographic location.

When arranging for the transfer of utilities, make sure to ask about potential transfer fees as well as any discounts or promotional offers available for new customers.

Some utility companies offer incentives for setting up automatic payments or opting for paperless billing.

5. Disconnect Any Unused Utilities in Your New Area

Fairly obvious, but easy to forget. Efficiency is not just about setting up services but also about discontinuing those that are unused.

If your new home comes with utilities or services you do not require, arrange for them to be disconnected.

This step prevents incurring charges for services you do not use. Now is also a great time to start fresh and wipe out all those monthly subscriptions you don’t use either (does Rover really need more treats?).

6. Check if Proof of Residency is Required for Any Utilities

Certain utility providers may request proof of residency as a prerequisite for service activation.

This can include documents such as a lease agreement, a deed, or a recent utility bill in your name.

Gathering these documents in advance will save you multiple calls to the same providers and a lot of headaches.

7. Update Your Contact Information with Your Transferred Utilities

For some of your utilities, you may not need to change providers (whoopee!). It will be as simple as updating the address. You may think it won’t matter for some services, but this step is very important.

You will want to update your new address, phone number, and email. Keeping your contact details current makes sure that you receive timely updates, bills, and any important notifications regarding your services.

8. Double-check if Your Current Internet Speed is Supported at Your New Address

In today’s digital age, internet connectivity is as essential as traditional utilities like electricity and water. Don’t expect great internet if you’re building a shelter in the forests of Montana. Before moving, verify that your new address supports your current internet speed requirements.

This may involve contacting local internet service providers to discuss available plans and potentially adjusting your subscription to match the services available at your new location.

Not all locations support the fastest internet available and is something you should definitely consider when moving.

9. Update Billing Information for Any Automatic Payments

For those who utilize automatic payment options for their utilities, you will want to make sure all of your accounts have your most current information. It’s important not to let this step go under the radar.

This includes updating your address and, if necessary, your payment method details to ensure uninterrupted service.

Neglecting this step could lead to missed payments and service disruptions, adding unnecessary stress to your move (finding people to help is hard enough).

10. Confirm Service Activation a Few Days Before the Move

It may be a surprise, but people make mistakes. Take the initiative to confirm the activation of your utilities a few days prior to your move. We are all human and sometimes things get missed. It is entirely possible one of your providers didn’t properly enter your new information into the system.

This confirmation process allows you to address any last-minute issues that may arise, ensuring that your new home is ready and waiting for you to begin this new chapter of your life. Just remember to be nice about it.

The process of transferring utilities when moving to a new home can initially seem a little daunting. We don’t always realize everything we use on a daily basis. However, with careful planning, organization, and following our quick and easy list above, you can count on a smooth and efficient move.

Early preparation, thorough research, and proactive communication with your utility providers are the keys to avoiding disruptions in service.

By following this guide, you can focus on the excitement of settling into your new home, confident in the knowledge that your utility needs have been seamlessly managed.

Let us know when the move-in party is, but only if the lights are on!