How to Organize Your New Home: The Ultimate Guide

Our guide will walk you through how to plan your move-in to be as organized as possible, the proper steps you need to take when moving your items, and when to hire a moving company.
How to Organize Your New Home The Ultimate Guide

Moving to a new home can quickly lead to clutter with boxes everywhere, packing peanuts scattered on the floor, and disassembled furniture in the yard. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed, but with a solid plan in place, you can conquer the chaos.

Start by tackling the bigger items first, go room-by-room, and gradually work your way to smaller items and decorations. This simple three-step process is all you need to eliminate clutter and relieve that stressful feeling of being surrounded by too much stuff.

Our easy-to-follow guide will help you organize your new home smoothly and efficiently, turning what seems like a daunting task into a manageable one.

1. Make a Plan

Taking a walk through your new home is the first step of this process. Each room you walk into, think about where certain things could go, and start mentally interior designing your new place. This will help you get a more clear vision of what everything will look like once you’re fully organized.

Some important questions to ask yourself when walking through your home doing this are;

  • What areas do I want to organize first?
  • Which rooms will require the largest items (sofas, beds, and other furniture).
  • Which rooms will have the most fragile items in (you will want to put these up last to minimize the risk of damage – think lamps, glass pieces, and any artwork).

When you plan for yourself, you’re more likely to stick to the plan that you’ve created and have a more structured move, as opposed to just moving random boxes in one by one.

2. Go Room By Room

You’ll want to organize your new home room by room. This will result in the least amount of clutter possible, and leave you with an organized agenda for what you’re focusing on moving-wise.

You don’t want to start with a random room, because the more you move in, the harder it gets to move larger-scale items in since there will be less space.

The best order to follow when going room by room is:

1. The Bedroom

If your new home has multiple bedrooms, start with the furthest one from the front door. Beds are usually the largest items you’ll need to move into your new house, so moving them in first is best so you aren’t risking breaking other items by moving a large mattress through your house.

2. The Living Room

Since this is where all couches, recliners, and large-scale furniture will be, it’s important to prioritize moving everything into your living room early on. The goal is to eliminate having to move large furniture through your house when smaller, more fragile items have already been moved in.

If you are moving entertainment furniture such as pool tables, pianos, or arcade-style home games, move these items into your living room or designated game room during this step.

3. The Dining Room

If you have a dedicated dining room with a dining room table, move the table in first, then each individual chair. After the dining room, the hardest part is over!

4. The Kitchen

Move all of your fragile kitchenware in next. Since kitchenware like plates, bowls, and glasses easily break, do not rush this process. Take your time to make sure nothing breaks.

5. The Bathroom

At this stage, all of your major items have been moved in so you can focus on the smaller miscellaneous boxes with toiletries and self-care products.

6. The Storage Room

Move all remaining items into a designated storage room or space in the garage. It’s important to do this step last since you’ll be able to see what’s left over and know what needs to be put in storage.

3. Bigger To Smaller

Going bigger to smaller is the safest way to make sure you have an easy move where nothing gets damaged. Move the big stuff in first such as beds, couches, and large furniture. Then, slowly work your way down to chairs, coffee tables, and lamps, followed by smaller decoration items, pillows, and kitchenware.

The reason following this rule makes moving so safe is that you are much less likely to damage your couch moving a small painting in then you are to damage a small painting moving your couch in.

These heavier items are harder to maneuver around corridors and through hallways, so the fewer items you have inside already, the better.

4. Hire a Moving Company If Needed

If you are moving pool tables, recliners, pianos, or any extra effort item, you can hire a moving company to safely move it into your new home. Most moving companies that specialize in moving items like this will also help you position it in the way you want it, and take all safety wrap off of your item, making it ready for use.

As a general rule of thumb, when in doubt, hire it out! It’s always best to hire professionals if you aren’t sure if you can safely move specific items into your new home.

Have a Safe and Happy Move!

The hardest part of your move is over once you’ve packed all your items, loaded them into the truck, and arrived at your new home. But it doesn’t mean that you don’t have to be careful and plan out your move-in process to make sure nothing gets damaged.